Donate Now! Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg . IBAN DE17 3706 2600 0104 1880 10 . BIC GENODED1PAF


"Our rocket. Elli is the youngest cow in the herd and Ellens Daughter. She is very curious, but hasn't been fond of being petted yet."

Kuh Sunny Faerse Kuhrettung (8)

cow hotline

0160 - 43 88 940

Just give us a call, we are there for you and the cows!

Re visiting right: We are all volunteers in our commitment for the animals and work at full-time. Therefore, please contact us, beforehand, for date arrangements, so we can make time to welcome you!
During summer months, you may drop by spontaneously: the animals are spending the whole day on the vast pastures and therefore can be watched from a hiking trail without a prior appointment.

Kuh Einzeln Kuhrettung Rhein Berg

Thanks to your help, we have already been able to save many cows!

Our goal is to ensure a long and appropriate life to all animals of the herd; no animal should be given up for financial reasons. With your support “our” cows and bovines can reach their natural life span and will be under our care until the end of their lives.

1 Mio

Thank you to YOU


happy cows since 2012

ab 10 €

Partial sponsorships possible
per month

5 €

per month

Here you will find all information about DONATIONS

Our commitment for the “Cow Rescue” is voluntary work; all donated money will be used for the animals exclusively. There are no administration costs etc. Our association is recognized as charitable; your donation is tax deductible.
With your membership, sponsorship and/or donation you are saving lives!
Thank you with all our hearts for helping!

Membership - Info

With a membership you are supporting our project in the long term.

We are grateful for any member and, of course, leave it up to you, whether you wish to pay a regular or reduced contribution.

Regular membership fee: 5,00€/month
Reduced membership fee: 2,50€/month

As a member you will receive

- A membership certificate
- information on the animals on a regular basis (website, facebook)
- an invitation to our regular membership reunions
- visiting rights(*) for the animals

Sponsorship - Info

With your full sponsorship you are securing the survival of one animal month after month.

The monthly costs of one animal are 100€, covering food, water, litter, claw treatment, vaccination and the cost of veterinary fees in case of sickness.

We see cuddling, interaction, grooming, carrots etc. as part of well-being and give it from our hearts.

Shared sponsorships start at 10€/month.

You can choose a specific animal for (shared) sponsorship, if you wish to. Or you can choose an “anonymous” sponsorship to the benefit of an animal, who has no sponsors.

Every sponsor receives

- a certificate (with a photo of the animal you chose, if wished)
- an invitation to the annual sponsor party on our farm
- regular information on your sponsored animal and the herd (website, facebook)
- visiting right(*) for the sponsored animal

Donations - Info

are welcome in any amount!

You can fill in the form for donations or transfer directly to the following bank account:

Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg
IBAN DE17 37062600 0104188010
VR Bank Bergisch Gladbach


Epc Barcode Sepa Ueberweisung

Open Bank app
Select "Transfer".
Scan QR code
adjust amount
Donate :)

Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg . IBAN: DE17 3706 2600 0104 1880 10 . BIC: GENODED1PAF . VR Bank Bergisch Gladbach
