Who are we and what are we doing?
We are a group of people from Bergisches Land (near Cologne), who founded the association “Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg – Lebenshof für Tiere”(Cow Rescue Rhein-Berg – Sanctuary for Animals” in July 2012.
The background: A family dairy farm had to give up business for economic reasons. The last ones of the herd, consisting of eleven dairy cows and 14 heifers, were facing slaughter. Only a young ox could be rescued early in time and would have had stayed there, all on his own. To prevent this, we founded an association together with the farmer, whom we won over with the idea for our project. The association's goal is to create a sanctuary, so they may continue living in their familiar surroundings, under best animal welfare conditions, hopefully until the natural end of their lives.
We have the strong wish to succeed in creating the first cow sanctuary in North Rhine-Westphalia with a lot of love for the animals, commitment and the financial support from memberships, donations and sponsorships.
Thank you very much for your support!